Woman sits with her iPad and pen.

C1 Pre-ETS 2024



Full course description

The first course in our series addresses the background, purpose, and application of Pre-Employment Transition Services for youth with disabilities. 

Module 1 Guideposts to Success in Employment for Youth with Disabilities

Module 2 Pre- Employment Transition Services

Module 3 Tailoring Services to Meet the Needs of Adolescents with Disabilities  

Case Study Exercise: Ethan's Story: Trail to Success 



Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the genesis and necessity of Pre-ETS
  • Explain your role in WIOA's call to action
  • Identify 3 laws designed to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities
  • Recall salient statistics regarding people with disabilities relative to education and employment
  • List barriers to success for youth with disabilities
  • List and explain the 5 Guideposts to Success
  • Describe each Pre-Employment Transition Service and its intent
  • Describe evidence-based research supporting the effectiveness of each service
  • Describe key roles played by VR professionals in the provision of Pre-ETS



Completion Criteria: To successfully complete the course, you must (1) achieve a grade of 80% or higher on the quiz questions; (2) complete the case study with a grade of 80% or higher, and complete the survey questions.  5.0 CRCC Credits available.



Sign up for this course today!
