Woman viewing her laptop while listening with headset

Virtual Sim Lab WVU Practicum Students ONLY: Individual Counseling at Intake Meeting

Ended Nov 11, 2022

Full course description

Upon completion of this module on Individual Counseling at Intake: Youth and Parent, participants will be able to formulate and process career counseling work, so they can effectively provide career planning and preparation experiences.


The purpose of this exercise is to practice your skills in rapport building, information sharing, information gathering, and counseling in an initial intake meeting with Jasmine, who lives with ADHD, and her father, Jake.

The exercises in this activity include one 90-minute real-time role-play session using Zoom to access the virtual simulation lab and interact with avatars.

For WVU Practicum Students Only
Lab Schedule:
Thursday, 11/03/2022, 5:30-7:30 PM

Prerequisite: C2 Counseling Strategies for Youth with Disabilities